This poem is short, but says it all. It is about the confusion in a relationship and giving more than you're getting out of it

This poem originally was published in Sad Poems - Sad Love Poems

why do you pretend like
I don't matter to you
when you're all that
matters to me?
66 Visitor Comments (from the Voting form)
  • Reannen
    Right when i read this poem i broke down. So little words yet it means so much. Beautiful.
  • Samuel
    i love u
  • meghan
    My boyfriend is like that he doesnt care! jsts fakes it!
  • nadja
    i cried just after reading your poem. thank you it's just. i had the chance of my life. i missed it and i'm still loving him, he just doesn't care. you're right
  • Shreela
    I love this. I'm feeling restless, & I couldn't express myself better than this poet. I'm not in extreme pain, but my partner is. His Dad is very ill, cancer has metatasised all over his bones. & every few months, for the last 3 yrs, my boyfriend has to hear the doctors prognose only another 3 months for his Dad. Meanwhile, he locks me out of his world. He won't dicuss his grief, his fears, his plans. My own world is turning increasingly empty
  • Cherish
    Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I loved that poem it inspired me alot cause i can really relate to it you did your thing!
  • Tiffany
    This poem explains it all. my boyfriend hasnt been the same lately and i feel like im giving our relationship my all and he isnt doing anything
  • Jeremy
    even though this poem is short it gets right to the point, something about it makes me want to remember it, even tho im not exactly into poetry. its so dark and sad and yet it says exactly how i feel
  • rhonda
  • amisha
    When I sent this poem to my husband after a hot argument, things settled down. This poem touched our hearts SO MUCH that I cannot express it in words.
  • katie
    such a small poem but so much meaning behind it. ( can relate
  • Patricia
    i like this poem it is sweet and i've been thinking that same thing!
  • aisha
    i love this poem.
  • kirsty
    So true!
  • vicki
    Sweetie what a nice job loved it.
  • tanya
    This explains how my who life is at the moment. 17 words is all it takes sometimes
  • Barbara
    It was short and straight to the point.
  • Katy
    I love this poem it really speaks to me because this is exactly how I feel about my crush THANK YOU!
  • Khoase
    dam thats good!short and to the piont!the reason y i love this poem its beacause i feel this way at the moment. i need answeres!1
  • hayley
    this is a poem that describes me in every way it is exactly what I feel when i think of my x i loved that poem
  • Sarah
    It made me cry. You said what i couldn't, and you said it perfectly.
  • jordan
    OMG that poem was so true. thats how i feel right now. WOW that was super cute! i really like it!
  • Sahar
    Its soo true as if thoughts and actions have been moulded in words . loved these few lines because they are touchy. few words have expressed everything .
  • Jeron
    Great work full of thought and deep perception. Shows how even the most difficult things can easily be said in just a few words.
  • Gen
    short and sweet :)
  • Kelly
    that is so right. exactly what I would love to say to my boyfriend right now.
  • kitty
    i think that was very good. the poem is true and why cant they just admit. ??? u matter.
  • Yeska
    I loved it! I feel that those 17 words are true. i love it.
  • Demicka
    Girl i know how u feel
  • pats
    i too have just ended a relationship with a girl elder than me. i love her very much even now & i too hope she realizes it before it's too late
  • shieka
    for me its great,everyone can relate with his poem
  • Cuvex
    Two Thumb For The Great Poem!
  • terrin
    i loved your poem and it touched me so i wanted to say congrates on a great poem
  • Tammy
    this simple yet elegant poem cuts to the core of what one feels when love is tested or lost. thanks!
  • Halima
    What an excellent poem! ( sorry. can't find any better words to describe the peom)
  • Dave
    its a statement. Just like this one. So true.
  • michelle
    It says it all! I think i need some tissue.
  • hilda
    So real. i loved this poem, it's simple but undrstandable. it explains true feelings in short words.
  • Teresa
    This Poem Was Simple, ut express alot then It Looks! I enjoyed It
  • Alice
    I like this poem because it's so true with sympathy and compassion that neither way even if they may not see the value you have offered you have a reason as to why you're holding on.
  • simone
    loved the way it just said he truth and didnot sugar coat it.
  • April
    I really liked it. It totally relates to me
  • Lisa
  • Sheree
    This poem is excellent. I just ended a relationship with someone who i love very much. His Mom won't allow us to talk anymore even though he is 18 and I am 19. I gave him everything he wanted and more, and in the end it all turned out to be for nothing. He was and still is all that matters to me, but until he realizes that he can make decisions for himself without his mom, he is never going to be truely happy. hopefully in the future he will see what he has lost. I just hope it isn't too late :)
  • tina
    this poem is the best, its simple, and its understanding, i love it out of 0 - 10 i would rate it a 10
  • nicole
  • stacey
    i think that this sort poem is very true no matter how much you feel for that one that means the most to you you never get the same responce back
  • sami
    i liked this poem/quote because it was how i felt about my last boy friend when we broke up.
  • Sam
    wow! that is perfect!
  • Ash
    This hit home, thankyou for saying it better than i ever could.
  • becca
    so true
  • DES
    So short, but has a huge meaning! and it is sooo true!
  • jan
    it went straight to my heart!
  • Dani
    This poem just jumped out at me and brought tears to my eyes. So few words, yet so profound.
  • Danielle
    This poem really brought my feelings for "him" to a greater light.thankx
  • Amanda
    short and sweet!
  • Ann
    This poem hits the spot
  • Kate
    This short poem described what is going on in my relationship with my man in a short simple way and in the 10 seconds it took me to read it it brought hurtful tears to my eyes.
  • Bridget
    This is a great poem even though it has few words; it's meaning has no words to explain it just feelings!
  • Becca
    Awesome is the one word that describes this poem.
  • danni
    short but sweet and so true
  • kiernanhall
    she is my best friend and her work is amazing... she should put in more
  • Rae
  • zeenat
    good and sweet a way of life

All Visitor Comments on this poem have been posted by people who wanted to let the author know the poem touched their hearts. If you would like to leave a comment of your own, please Vote for this poem.